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A Letter from President Jim Eaton

Grace and Peace to our Cherry Run family.

I am writing this letter to inform you about what is happening at Cherry Run and inviting you to become a part of helping Cherry Run to move forward into the future that God has planned for this wonderful camp meeting that began in 1862.


At our planning retreat the Board of Directors decided to look at the future of Cherry Run. We want to continue our Wesleyan Holiness theological stance, as well as look at what the future may hold. To move forward, we decided that our water treatment needed to be updated, and the board is currently looking to see what our options are, as well as how much it would cost. Also, we are having a couple of our buildings looked at by professional contractors and inspectors to see if we need to replace them, or if they can be brought up to safe standards.


The Board recognizes the need to update our electrical system and improve and expand our camping area. We know that we need more facilities to house families if we intend to grow.

We also are working to make our website and Youtube page reader friendly and easy to navigate.


The Board would like to see that Cherry Run Camp has more winterized buildings, so that it can be used throughout the entire year. All new buildings will be built with that in mind. We would like to reach out and partnership with churches throughout the area and beyond to provide a place for camps, retreats, training and whatever may be needed by the churches to spread the gospel message.


As you can see, there is a lot to be done, and it will have a price tag. These things will not be accomplished overnight. However, as the funds become available, the Board will begin working through these and other projects as they come to mind.


I am excited about what the Lord has done and will do in the years to come through Cherry Run Camp. This is where Jesus met me and took away my sin and gave me life eternal. I know that He is still doing that today and will do so in the future.


Cherry Run Camp has entered a new era. It is no longer linked to a particular denomination. Hopefully, we will soon find a Church Camp Organization that we can become a part of thus giving us some accountability.


I have had the privilege of serving on the Cherry Run Board of Directors for nearly forty years. It has been a blessing to see individuals and families touched, changed and transformed by the Holy Spirit’s work. Many ministers, missionaries and local church leaders have been shaped here at Cherry Run. I know that my family has been blessed to be a part of this wonderful camp meeting.


Effective December 31, 2023, I will no longer be the President of the Cherry Run Board of Directors. I have the great privilege of welcoming the new President, Reverend Loren McQueen, who has been part of Cherry Run for his whole life. I know that Loren will lean on the Holy Spirit’s guidance as he leads the board into the future. I want to encourage you to continue to pray for Cherry Run, the Board of Directors and for Loren. The future is exciting and the challenges are great. With your prayers, service and financial gifts there is no telling where the Lord will take the camp for His glory.


Thank you for being a part of Cherry Run. I will look forward to seeing you this summer at camp and hopefully at some work days.


Blessings in Christ,

Pastor Jim Eaton

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1 Comment

Lane Loman
Lane Loman
Dec 29, 2023

Jim….thanks for this update and informative letter regarding CRC. You folks and the camp will always have a special place in my heart. Lane Loman

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